Wednesday, January 17, 2007





I touch you
Broken you
Your essence
Marred magnificent
A child’s embrace
Soft downy cheeks
Touch me
Broken me
Shameful me
Falling, twisting
Turning pale oblique
The glass darkens
We see each other
In liquid
The womb
The grave
The ontology of you
The absolute
Suffer me to dream
And in the process
I will rise
I will cry
Touch them
The kiss of steel
Hard razor ripping revolution
Bloodshed bombastic fury
Fire, sword, famine
Death knows innumerable names
I will submit
I will supplicate
For the end
This time
Touch you
Feel you
Hold you closer than my own skin
Make a new life
Replenish the earth
Start again
Leave this town
Touch the limit
Touch the sun
Touch the hand of God
Tell Him that we hurt
Tell Him that we still need
A savior
Touch me and tell me
That I ever wanted to know
And all that is
Is that we’re going to be okay.